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Dear All,

welcome to our last newsletter before the summer break.

Welcome Agus!

Agustín Corbat We are welcoming Agustín Corbat within BIIF!
Agus obtained a PhD in Physics at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is an expert in microscopy and image analysis, with a focus on programming bioimage analysis workflows in Python. You will see him both at the IT Department in Uppsala and SciLifeLab Campus Solna - don’t hesitate to get in contact with him!

Longitude prize for Sysmex Astrego

Sysmex Astrego AB, a Uppsala-based company founded by Johan Elf and Özden Baltekin has won the UK’s prestigious Longitude Prize for its rapid antimicrobial susceptibility test. This system significantly advances clinical workflows for infectious diseases by quickly determining bacterial presence and antimicrobial efficacy from a urine sample. Patients’ urine samples are examined inside nanofluidic chambers, in which the growth of the bacteria is followed by microscopy. Image analysis of the data was supported by BIIF as a user project, involving former BIIF-member Petter Ranefall, who later joined Astrego full time. You can read more about the prize here.
Congratulations from us to this success story!

Vinnova Call “Use Infrastructures to Develop Precision Medicine”

Are you involved in a small and medium-sized company in life science? Vinnova offers you the chance to collaborate and gain access to the latest cutting-edge technology via Swedish infrastructure, such as BIIF. The funding will be for developing accurate diagnostics and treatment, streamline and scale up production processes, etc. Read more at Vinnova.

We are looking forward to many exiting events coming up in autumn, but until then:
Enjoy a relaxing summer break!
Anna, in behalf of BIIF

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