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The next Call4Help session is coming up next Wednesday - December 7, 9 – 12, information here. Note that you can always contact us under to set-up a meeting and receive support on image analysis. The idea of the Call4Help session is to provide combined support on both the image analysis and the microscopy part of a project.


NBIS workshop in Neural Nets and Deep Learning

This course gives an introduction to the concept of Neural Networks (NN) and Deep Learning.

Topics covered include:
• NN building blocks, including concepts such as neurons, activation functions, loss functions, gradient descent and back-propagation
• Convolutional Neural Networks
• Recursive Neural Networks
• Autoencoders
• Best practices when designing NNs

More information and registration here.
Application deadline: February 10, 2023

Digital image analysis for scientific applications (DIASA)

A new instance of this course will run early spring 2023. This course aims at giving doctoral students and researchers from different disciplines sufficient understanding to solve basic computerized image analysis problems. The course will also offer an introduction to a number of freely available software tools, preparing the participants to start using computerized image analysis in their own research. The course will be in a hybrid format.
More information available here.
Application deadline: February 25, 2023

Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory program

The Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory program is one of the national services offered by NBIS/SciLifeLab. PhD students, enrolled at any Swedish university, can get a senior bioinformatician as a personal advisor for up to two years.
For more information and an application form, visit:
Deadline of this round of applications: December 21, 2022

Best regards
Anna, in behalf of BIIF

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