Illustration (click to hide): Compressed erythrocytes in Cerebral Cavernous Malformations (CCM)

Project Description

Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM) is a disease causing deformed and dysfunctional lesions i.e. cavernoma. We study the mechanisms through which this disease originates and progresses using mice models and patient material, amongst other in vitro tools. In this project, we seek to develop a way to quantify characteristics of blood cells stuck within the cavernoma with the hope that changes in these cells could be used as a treatment output.

Project Information

  • BIIF Principal Investigators

    • Gisele Miranda

    External Authors

    Favour Onyeogaziri, Ross Smith, Maria Globisch, Peetra Magnusson
  • Date

    2022-02-16 🠚 Current