Illustration (click to hide): BIK1 localisation thoughout the cell cycle and its function by combining widefield microscopy and yeast genetics techniques

Project Description

Microtubules are protein filaments that make up the mitotic spindle during chromosome segregation. Plus end-binding proteins (+TIP) regulate MT stability and facilitate interactions with other proteins in order for proper segregation to occur. One such +TIP, BIK1, exists in several distinct pools within the cell: A mobile cytoplasmic pool at astral microtubules emanating from the spindle pole body and a stable nuclear pool localised close to the SPB and kinetochores. The cytoplasmic pool of BIK1 has been extensively described in it’s role during spindle positioning. By contrast, the function, dynamics and regulation of nuclear BIK1 remains unclear. We recently identified BIK1 in a screen searching for proteins with age-dependent subcellular localisation. We are now characterising nuclear BIK1 localisation thoughout the cell cycle and its function by combining widefield microscopy and yeast genetics techniques.

Project Information

  • BIIF Principal Investigators

    • Gisele Miranda

    External Authors

    Victoria Menendez Benito, Alexander Julner
  • Date

    2019-08-08 🠚 2020-04-09